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Investors call for climate strategy vote at UK’s largest listed companies
Local Authority Pension Fund Forum (LAPFF) and CCLA, supported by investors representing £1.6 trillion AUM, have written to the chairs of 76 FTSE 100 companies that have not held a vote on their climate transition plans in the past three years setting out their expectations ahead of next year’s AGM season.
Construction sector roundtable on modern slavery highlights urgent need for action
Delegates at a recent roundtable on modern slavery in the construction sector acknowledged that the risks of modern slavery in the sector are significant and increasing, and that there is a pressing need for the sector to take action.
Leading benchmark on workplace mental health in UK finds 'revealing' gap between leaders and laggards
Our third benchmark on corporate mental health shows just over one in four (24) of the UK’s largest listed employers have improved their tier performance on workplace mental health in the past year – to the implied benefit of a combined one million employees.
50 investors write to Amazon in relation to workers’ rights to organise
CCLA leads group of investors, including NEST and Storebrand, in writing to Amazon over concerns over Amazon’s alleged response to the organising of workers at its Coventry fulfilment centre in the UK.
CCLA co-files shareholder resolution at Amazon’s 2024 AGM
CCLA co-files shareholder resolution calling for Amazon to appoint a reputable third-party to produce a gap analysis of their practice vs their labour standards policy.
More advice firms sign up to corporate engagement coalition, AdviserAction
AdviserAction welcomes eight new firms today. AdviserAction is a first-of-its-kind membership organisation that was launched last year to enable the advisory industry to engage with listed companies on sustainability issues.